• Unit 1 Basics of English grammar

    1.1 What is grammar

    1.2 Word classes (parts of speech)

    1.3 Grammatical categories

    1.4 Grammatical Hierarchy

    1.5 Clause structure

    1.6 Clause elements

  • Unit 2 Subject-verb Concord

    2.1 Guiding Principles

    2.2 Problems of Concord with Nouns Ending in –s

    2.3 problems of Concord with Collective Nouns as Subject

    2.4 problems of concord with expressions of quantity as subject

    2.5 other problems of subject-verb concord

  • Unit 3 Noun and Noun Phrase

    3.1 Classifications of Nouns and Noun phrase analyzed

    3.2 Noun phrase analyzed

    3.3 Number

    3.4 Genitive

    3.5 Independent genitive and double genitive

  • Unit 4 Determiners

    4.1 Collocations between determiners and nouns

    4.2 Collocations between subclasses of determiners

    4.3 Functions of determiners

    4.4 Generic and specific reference of articles

    4.5 Articles in use with different classes of nouns

  • Unit 5 Pronouns

    5.1 Pronoun concord in person

    5.2 Pronoun concord in number and pronoun concord in gender

    5.3 Choice of pronoun case forms

    5.4 Possessive pronouns and reflexive pronouns

  • Unit 6 Verb and Verb Phrase

    6.1 Classification of auxiliaries

    6.2 Classification of main verbs

    6.3 Finite verb (phrase) & non-finite verb (phrase)

  • Unit 7 Tense and Aspect

    7.1 Tense and aspect defined

    7.2 Uses of simple present and simple past

    7.3 Uses of present progressive and past progressive

    7.4 Uses of present perfective (progressive) and past perfective (progressive)

    7.5 Means of Expressing Future Time

  • Unit 8 Passive Voice

    8.1 Introduction of the four types of passive voice

    8.2 Two related types of passive sentences

  • Unit 9 Subjunctive Mood

    9.1 Subjunctive Mood

  • Unit 10 Non-finite Verbs

    10.1 Forms of the infinitive and the uses of the infinitive sign

    10.2 some notes on the use of the infinitive sign

    10.3 Combinations of infinitives with adjectives

    10.4 Combinations of infinitives with nouns

    10.5 Combinations of infinitives with verbs

    10.6 Collocation of -ing participle with verbs

    10.7 -ed participle as premodifier and as complement

    10.8 a few notes on “dangling participles”

  • Unit 11 Adjective and Adjective Phrase

    11.1 Classification of Adjectives

    11.2 Adjective(phrase) as modifier in noun phrase

    11.3 comparative construction

  • Unit 12 Preposition and Prepositional Phrase

    12.1 Collocation of prepositions

  • Unit 13 Existential Sentence

    13.1 existential sentence

  • Unit 14 Coordination and Subordination

    14.1 Syntactic functions of non-finite existential sentence

    14.2 Coordination and coordinate sentence

  • Unit 15 Conditional Sentence

    15.1 Complex sentence with nominal clause,adverbial clause,or non-finite clause

  • Unit 16 Modification and Emphasis

    16.1 Choice of relative words

    16.2 Modification

    16.3 Postponement-and periodic sentence

    16.4 Fronting and inversion

    16.5 Cleft sentence


Unit 1 Basics of English grammar

Unit 2 Subject-verb Concord

Unit 3 Noun and Noun Phrase

Unit 4 Determiners

Unit 5 Pronouns

Unit 6 Verb and Verb Phrase

Unit 7 Tense and Aspect

Unit 8 Passive Voice

Unit 9 Subjunctive Mood

Unit 10 Non-finite Verbs

Unit 11 Adjective and Adjective Phrase

Unit 12 Preposition and Prepositional Phrase

Unit 13 Existential Sentence

Unit 14 Coordination and Subordination

Unit 15 Conditional Sentence

Unit 16 Modification and Emphasis


  • 刘长庆

    刘长庆教授,文学博士,湖北省语言学会会员,主要研究方向为语言学、英语教学和翻译,主持湖北省人文社会科学研究项目4项,湖北省教育科学规划研究课题1项,武汉市教育科学规划重点课题1项,获市级社会科学优秀成果二等奖1项,出版学术专著1部,应邀参编了方梦之和庄智象主编的《中国翻译家研究》相关章节,论文Schema theory and its application in teaching EFL reading收录于《中国英语教学(三)——2001年北京中国英语教学国际研讨会论文集》(胡文仲主编),先后在《编译论丛》、《中南民族大学学报》(人文社会科学版)、《北京科技大学学报》(社会科学版)、《中小学外语教学》等期刊发表学术论文20余篇。



  • 郭燕华



  • 朱云莉




  • 谈政华


