• Introduction


  • 1. Business Environment

    1.1 Introduction to Business Environment

    1.2 Internal Environment

    1.3 External Environment

  • 2. Entrepreneurship

    2.1 "A brief Introduction to Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship"

    2.2 The Entrepreneurs’ Personality Traits

    2.3 Entrepreneurial Growth and Failures

  • 3. Discovering Business Opportunities

    3.1 How to find the opportunity that’s right for you

    3.2 How to decide whether or not to pursue a business opportunity

    3.3 How to evaluate and identify the risks

    3.4 Advice to potential entrepreneurs

  • 4. Establishment of a Business

    4.1 Taking the right approach to make real money

    4.2 Generating ideas for your business

    4.3 Determining your personal and business goals and evaluate your business ideas

    4.4 Choosing the right business organization

  • 5. Organizational Structure

    5.1 Importance of organizational structure

    5.2 Major types of organizational structure

    5.3 Modern organizational structures

    5.4 Keys to erecting an effective organizational structure

  • 6. Recruiting and Training Employees

    6.1 Significance and Strategies of Recruitment

    6.2 Recruitment Methods and Selection

    6.3 Training new employees

  • 7. Employee Motivation

    7.1 Significance of employee motivation

    7.2 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

    7.3 Theories of employee motivation

    7.4 Specific actions to increase employee motivation

  • 8. Corporate Culture

    8.1 Factors Affecting Corporate Culture

    8.2 Types of organizational culture

    8.3 The importance of corporate culture

    8.4 Strong culture and weak culture

    8.5 National culture and corporate culture

    8.6 The limitations of corporate culture

  • 9. Production and Product

    9.1 Factors of production

    9.2 Types of products

    9.3 New product development process

    9.4 Product life cycle

  • 10. Marketing

    10.1 The definition of marketing

    10.2 The concepts of marketing

    10.3 The functions of marketing

    10.4 Marketing mix

    10.5 Key marketing strategy decisions

  • 11. Financial Management

    11.1 The Functions of financial management

    11.2 Financial management objectives

    11.3 Classification of financial management

    11.4 Accounting and Financial Management Systems

  • 12. Financing

    12.1 Financing Sources

    12.2 Debt Financing

    12.3 Equity Financing

    12.4 Tips for financing

  • 13.Corporate Social Responsibility

    13.1 Social Responsibility in Business

    13.2 the development course of Corporate Social Responsibility

    13.3 Importance of Social Responsibility in Business

    13.4 How to enhance social responsibility in business

    13.5 How businesses can be socially responsible

  • 14.Going to the International Market

    14.1 The background:Globalization

    14.2 The international market environment

    14.3 Reasons for going global

    14.4 The challenges and opportunities of going to the international market

    14.5 Mode of going global

  • 15. E-business

    15.1 History of E-business

    15.2 E-Business Advantages & Disadvantages

    15.3 Important factors in E-Businesses

    15.4 How to create an E-business



1. Business Environment

2. Entrepreneurship

3. Discovering Business Opportunities

4. Establishment of a Business

5. Organizational Structure

6. Recruiting and Training Employees

7. Employee Motivation

8. Corporate Culture

9. Production and Product

10. Marketing

11. Financial Management

12. Financing

13.Corporate Social Responsibility

14.Going to the International Market

15. E-business


  • 袁奇

    中南财经政法大学副教授,2006年毕业于西南财经大学国际商学院国际贸易学专业,获经济学博士学位。 2009年,获得四川省第十三次哲学社会科学优秀成果奖“一等奖” 。2013年2月—2014年2月,受国家留基委公派到英国兰卡斯特大学语言学系访学。 学术成果(著作、教材): 【著作】 《当代国际分工格局下中国产业发展战略研究》西南财经大学出版社2006年5月(独著) 《经济周期论》人民出版社2006年6月(合著) 【教材】 《商学导论英语教程》主编 北京理工大学出版社 2012年8月。 《高级经济英语教程》主编 苏州大学出版社 2010年2月。 《市场营销专业英语教程》主编 中国人民大学出版社 2009年8月。 《随心所欲说英语丛书•商务英语》参编 武汉大学出版社 2008年9月。

