• Module 1 Computers today

    Unit 1 Living a digital age

    Unit 2 Computer essentials

    Unit 3 Inside the system

    Unit 4 Buying a computer

  • Module 2 Input/Output devices

    Unit 5 Type, click and talk!

    Unit 6 Capture your favourite image

    Unit 7 Display screens and ergonomics

    Unit 8 Choosing a printer

    Unit 9 Devices for the disabled

  • Module 3 Storage devices

    Unit 10 Magnetic storage

    Unit 11 Optical storage

    Unit 12 Flash memory

  • Module 4 Basic software

    Unit 13 The operating system (OS)

    Unit 14 Word processing (WP)

    Unit 15 Spreadsheets and databases

  • Module 5 Faces of the Internet

    Unit 16 The Internet and email

    Unit 17 The Web

    Unit 18 Chat and conferencing

    Unit 19 Internet security

  • Module 6 Creative software

    Unit 20 Graphics and design

    Unit 21 Desktop publishing

    Unit 22 Multimedia

    Unit 23 Web design

  • Module 7 Programming / Jobs in ICT

    Unit 24 Program design and computer languages

    Unit 25 Java

    Unit 26 Jobs in ICT

  • Module 8 Computers tomorrow

    Unit 27 Communication systems

    Unit 28 Networks

    Unit 29 Video games

    Unit 30 New technologies

  • Appendix


《剑桥计算机通用英语》课程在Infotech: English for computer users 第四版(剑桥大学出版社) 的基础上,由计算机英语专家团队根据国内学生学习特点进行改编,以适应相关专业学生的学习需求。教材分为八大模块,分别为:Computer today,Input/Output devices,Storage devices,Basic software,Faces of the Internet,Creative software,Programming/Jobs in ICT,Computers tomorrow,共30个单元,全面介绍了计算机技术领域的各项基本知识,如输入输出设备、存储设备、软件、编程、网页设计、未来计算机技术等话题。每个模块都是一个大主题,下属各单元又是不同的小主题,力求以简洁明快的英文诠释计算机英语的专业知识,并通过由浅入深的练习帮助学习者进行巩固和训练。课程涵盖听、说、读、写、词汇、语法等,尽可能保持专业知识与语言知识比例平衡,在注重培养学生英语语言能力的同时兼顾培养学生的计算机专业技能。本教材既可用于计算机相关专业、网络专业、电子商务专业、信息管理专业英语教学,也可用于相关专业的教学培训或相关技术人员的自学。

Module 1 Computers today

Module 2 Input/Output devices

Module 3 Storage devices

Module 4 Basic software

Module 5 Faces of the Internet

Module 6 Creative software

Module 7 Programming / Jobs in ICT

Module 8 Computers tomorrow



  • 《剑桥计算机通用英语》编写组


